Ongoing Friends Events
at the North End Branch Library
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings of the Friends are held at 5:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month, September through June. All are welcome!
Book Sale
Our Book Sale is ongoing in the back of the Library. Please deposit money in
the Red Box near the sale.
Book donations are also welcome – only books in good condition and no
textbooks please. Put them in the bin in the back of the library near the sale.
Community Mah Jongg
Community Mah Jongg takes place on Thursdays at 11am, for all levels,
with instruction available. Tables will be set up in the back of the library.
The Palazzo Ducale Diorama
The Palazzo Ducale Diorama, depicting Venice’s Doge’s Palace, is a permanent display at the Library’s rear. Crafted by Miss Henrietta Gardner Macy (1854-1927), it stands as a memorial from her. Explore further details by clicking here.